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Hello Again!

Hello there, Welcome to the new Rowbyte website. It's certainly a step up from the bland 90s era HTML page. If you don't who we are, please check out our About page. Briefly, we make high-end graphics software plug-ins for Non-Linear Video applications like Adobe After Effects. Plexus our flagship 3D particle engine for After Effects is used in a wide variety of projects like TV intros and Feature films. Make sure to checkout our Gallery page which showcases artwork created by various artists around the world using Plexus and other Rowbyte products.

We're still tweaking a few things in our brand new website, so let us know if you spot something weird or abnormal. Meanwhile, you can always follow Rowbyte on Twitter or Facebook. If you're still old school like me, follow our RSS feed in your favorite news reader.

Thanks again and hope you enjoy our new website!